
Unstoppable Domains launching domain names on blockchain technology. The domain names can be used for both payments and websites. A domain name can’t be taken down by the players that typically participating in the domain name system. Hence, the name Unstoppable Domains. Another value is that It can replace your cryptocurrency addresses with one single human-readable name.

Unstoppable Domains provides .crypto (aka CNS) domain names for the entire crypto community.

The GitHub Action allows updating .crypto name during pipeline execution.

Registering a .CRYPTO Name

This shortened guide will give you instructions of how to register a new .CRYPTO name. For more detaild take a look at this step-by-step tutorial for registering .CRYPTO name.

Step 1: Open your Ethereum-enabled browser

On desktop, this could be Chrome with the extension MetaMask, or the browser Brave with MetaMask (which comes built-in) enabled.

Step 2: Navigate to the Unstoppable Domains web site

In your browser, go to

Step 3: Pass sign up process


Step 4: Search for your desired .crypto name

Login and search for .crypto name


Step 5: Checkout

Add .crypto name to a cart and go to Checkout page. Choose a suitable payment type and complete payment


Step 6: Connect Wallet to your account

Go to Account Settings page and click Add wallet button. You need to connect your MetaMask account to the web site in an appeared popup.


Step 7: Claim your domain name

Go to My Domains page, select domain name and click Claim


The process takes time, there is manual approval. You will need to wait for a while.

Step 8: Manage domain name

After all you will be able to manage your domains. Go to My Domains page and click Manage button for the domain name.


Step 9: Set Resolver

In order to do this, you need to add at least one cryptocurrency address (e.g. owner of the name).

Setup pipeline with .CRYPTO update


  1. Before setting up a pipeline the CNS name should be configured, it should have a resolver. Take a look on prev section
  2. Basic pipeline should be configured with step which provides IPFS hash

Pipeline step

Open and add the step to main.yml:

- uses: aquiladev/ddns-action@v0.1.1
    mnemonic: ${{ secrets.MNEMONIC }}
    rpc: ${{ secrets.RPC }}
    name: ddns-action.crypto
    contentHash: ${{ steps.upload.outputs.hash }}


  • ${{ secrets.MNEMONIC }} is a secret. The mnemonic phrase is needed for wallet recovery of an account which owns CNS name. It can be a private key of the account as well
  • ${{ secrets.RPC }} is a secret. RPC is a URL of Ethereum Mainnet node
  • ddns-action.crypto - CNS name which you want to update
  • ${{ steps.upload.outputs.hash }} is content hash. It came from upload to IPFS step


In order to manage sercerts in a repository you need to open Settings -> Secrets



Eventually pipeline should look like:

name: CI
    - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2

  - name: Setup Node
    uses: actions/setup-node@v1
      node-version: '10.x'

  - run: npm ci

  - run: npm run build

  - name: Upload to IPFS
    uses: aquiladev/ipfs-action@v0.1.2-alpha
    id: upload
      path: ./build

  - name: Update CNS
    uses: aquiladev/ddns-action@v0.1.1
      mnemonic: ${{ secrets.MNEMONIC }}
      rpc: ${{ secrets.RPC }}
      name: ddns-action.crypto
      contentHash: ${{ steps.upload.outputs.hash }}

Run pipeline

The pipeline will run immediately after commit (if you committed to master branch)


You can open all pipeline runs and check outputs


How to access a DApp with .CRYPTO name?

Check CNS record

In order to check updated IPFS hash in CNS, you need to open My Domains page, click Manage button for the domain name. Then you need to open Website tab.


Access DApp

  1. You should install Chrome Extension. The Extension allows Chrome browser to handle .crypto domain names.
  2. Type .crypto (e.g. ddns-action.crypto) domain name in Chrome browser and you will be redirected to the DApp